Whether your investments are held inside or outside of superannuation, we apply the following principles to investment advice when structuring a robust portfolio:

Identify the right people to manage your money

With over 2000 investment managers and products to choose from, Strategic Wealth is dedicated to connecting you with the right people to manage your money. Our approach is thorough and research rigorous to match you with the right manager. We seek out specialists, not generalists, with a disciplined investment process and style, and a long-term and demonstrable track record.

Asset allocation drives portfolio outcomes

Asset allocation accounts for over 90% of the return that you may achieve from a well-managed, diversified investment portfolio. We follow a highly structured process to determine the right ‘Strategic Asset Allocation’ that matches your needs and tolerance to risk.

Strategic asset allocation involves taking a longer term approach and making decisions based on a view of how asset/sub-asset classes behave over long periods of time. An appropriate exposure to growth assets, such as shares, is important to offset the impacts of inflation and preserve your future buying power. In retirement, it may be more beneficial to take a ‘Dynamic Asset Approach’– adjusting your asset allocation to cope with changes in market conditions and your specific circumstances to provide income stream certainty.

We get to know you through genuine engaging experiences

By engaging in meaningful and honest conversations, we can get to know you, how you envisage your future and how we can work together to make your financial aspirations a reality. Importantly, we look at your behaviours to develop a sustainable investment portfolio.

We believe that successful investing is a medium to long-term process that requires a long-term approach. To truly understand the economic environment and the characteristics of your investments, we regularly review all aspects of your portfolio and make the necessary changes to stay on track. And we urge you to be patient. Adopting a highly disciplined approach to the ongoing management of your investment portfolio will reap the rewards you are seeking.

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