“Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eyes for an instant?”
In 2007, a small and dedicated team came together calling themselves BIG1 (Buy One, Give One). They shared a dream of changing our world for the better. They envisioned a world where the act of giving to those less fortunate could bring about a process of change – where small donations to those in need could start a ripple that over time could become a tidal wave of generosity and love.
With a business objective to provide our clients with the most cost effective loan solutions, Strategic Wealth has extended this thinking and committed to BIG1’s vision to bring about positive change. Strategic Wealth contributes to various BIG1 charities annually.
BIG1 ensure all donations go directly to the source of need achieving very tangible progress towards building healthy, strong, self-sustaining communities around the world.
Our Impact